Fono Ekepule supports the motion to research why the current number of people diagnosed with some form of cancer is high

The sitting of the Fono Ekepule which took place last Wednesday saw only 10 MPs present including the Premier.
While there was a great number of the members absent, there was also a great number of discussions held and views exchanged amongst the assembly.
In Premier Dalton Tagelagi’s statement, he shared of the diplomatic relationships he has been engaged with over the past few months including his first official visit to Wellington signing the renewed Statement of Partnership between Niue and Aotearoa NZ, the Pacific Forum Leaders meeting in Fiji highlighting on the 2050 Blue Pacific Continent Strategy, the US Treaty and recognition of Niue as a sovereign state, meeting and strengthening ties with the Niue community in Sydney and Brisbane Australia, and his trip to the Philippines in officiating diplomatic ties with the nation.
The Premier also spoke of the Queen’s passing and the invitation sent to attend her funeral.
His final and latest meeting in Korea is developing, and the Premier says they are preparing to have offices established on the island for the nation in future.
He also spoke of the important developments with the Asian Development Bank.
Common Roll Member Hon. Terry Coe in his requests for an english interpretation and for a morning tea break for future meetings, vacated his seat and left the proceedings just as the questions were being asked towards the Premier’s statement.
One of the Considerations of Papers was the Family Relationship Bill 2022.
Bills Committee, headed by Common Roll Member Hon. O’love Jacobsen called for the Fono Ekepule for a separate session that would be dedicated entirely on the Family Relationship Bill 2022 to be discussed and reviewed. Agreed by the majority, the motion was passed for a suitable time that all the MPs are on the island to hold this session entirely dedicated to the bill.
An unexpected motion, referring to the Niue Assembly Standing Orders Article 54 Notice of motions (2) J, gave Hon. Jacobsen her motion of conducting a research on why the rate of cancer is currently high on the island.
According to the Health Department from 2019 to 2021, the number of people diagnosed with some form of cancer is 58, an increase of 15 from the number revealed last year at 43.
Also agreed by the majority, the motion was passed to conduct a research to determine the concerning number of cancers detected amongst the people on the island.
Other motions that were passed included the opportunity to discuss the refreshed Statement of Partnership of Niue and New Zealand with the Fono Ekepule, face lifting of the Rock Wall surrounding the Niue Golf Course and reviewing the rates for the tokens for the prepaid power meters.
MPs absent from the fono included, Member for Avatele Peter Vakanofiti, Alofi North’s MP Va’aiga Tukuitonga, Member for Namukulu Jack Willie Lipitoa, Member for Toi Dion Taufitu, Vaiea MP Talaititama Talaiti, Common Roll Member Stanley Kalauni, Liku MP Hon. Pokotoa Sipeli, Cabinet Minister Hon. Mona Ainuu, and Common Roll Member Richard Hipa.