Increase in enrolment numbers to the USP Niue campus this year

The USP Niue campus Director Seone Lolesio is very pleased with the high number of enrolments to study at the Paliati campus this semester.
While some of these students are those repatriated from Fiji and Vanuatu last year, the majority are new enrolment from the local population.
Some of the new enrolments include a group of 15 students enrolled for the Certificate of Justice, these include the land commissioners, staff from the Justice department and some private students.
There are two NZAid scholarship students and two AusAid scholarship students continuing their studies at USP Niue while waiting to return to Laucala and Emalus when the borders reopen.
There are 8 students about to complete their Certificate in Vernacular Language Vagahau Niue
The other enrolments are to the following programmes including;
Certificate in Early Childhood Education, Certificate in Ocean Resources Management, Certificate in Management, Diploma in Accounting, Diploma in Community and Social Services and Diploma in Special and Inclusive Education
In the degree programmes, enrolment in the Bachelor of Arts in Mathematics and Graduate Certificate in Education, Bachelor of Arts (History), Bachelor of Education (Physical Education)
Of the new applicants 3 are students who completed Year 13 from Niue High School last year and 2 of them are on full-time study on campus.
The MBA programme with fourteen students are expected to complete by August this year.
Lolesio says that this is a great improvement from the past few years where most of the students were adult students already working. He is very excited to have a full campus this semester.
The University of the South Pacific Niue campus is expecting to host a graduation ceremony in October this year.