2022 Niue Census states Alcohol Consumption has leveled off
According to the Report released recently, a total of 674 or 58.4% of people aged 15 years and over, stated they consumed alcohol.

The 2022 Niue Census for Population and Housing Report has stated that when it comes to Alcohol Consumption on the island, the percentage population consuming alcohol in total increased between 1997 and 2017 and appears to have leveled off in 2022.
Like smoking, women are less likely to drink compared to males.
According to the Report released recently, a total of 674 or 58.4% of people aged 15 years and over, stated they consumed alcohol.

Like smoking, drinking alcohol is more prevalent in males (67.9%) than females (49.4%). For those who stated they consumed alcohol, 47% claimed they rarely consume alcohol and a further 32.3% stated they occasionally drink.