Government to look into Replacing BCN Generator
He has acknowledged the important role that BCN plays in informing the public on important events especially as we are in the cyclone season and hopes this will be addressed as soon as possible.

Minister for Infrastructure-Crossley Tatui
Minister for Infrastructure-Hon. Crossley Tatui has revealed to BCN News on the Government’s willingness to address the issues of replacing the Broadcasting Corporation of Niue’s (BCN) generator.
Hon. Tatui said we are facing this risky situation since we are in the cyclone season and the experience of the power supply breakdown in the last week or so that disabled BCN operations to be able to communicate the important message for our people and the government looks forward to addressing that as soon as possible.
He has acknowledged the important role that BCN plays in informing the public on important events especially as we are in the cyclone season and hopes this will be addressed as soon as possible.
He also provided an update on the $5 million project funded by the New Zealand Government.
Hon. Tatui said they are grateful for the New Zealand Government but there are challenges in terms of trying to fulfil their energy transmission goal.
“We are grateful of the New Zealand government, but really we have hefty challenges in terms of trying to fulfill our renewable energy transmission goal as much as possible because the primary problem with the power issues we are facing at the moment,” he said.
“Our effort in trying to transmit the renewable energy into the national crude production have not been successful, ” he added.
In regards to damages on the road, the infrastructure Minister has advised drivers to be sensible enough while driving on the road as a lot of investment has been done on this upgrade.
“The Chinese have been working on this, that our people will be much more aware and educated to do their part,” he said.