Niue Tourism welcomes Sarah Porter as their new agent based in New Zealand

New agent for Niue Tourism based in New Zealand Sarah Porter
Niue Tourism has recently welcomed on board Sarah Porter as the new specialist agent based in New Zealand.
Sarah along with her husband Hayden Porter, who was also recently welcomed to Niue Tourism as a consultant, are no new faces to the island.
They lived in Niue for several years with their two children back in 2010. Sarah was the manager for the Swanson Supermarket and Hayden the director of Niue Tourism at the time. After moving back to New Zealand, the Porters have finally returned to help Niue and the tourism industry.
“Just wonderful to be back here. I have been very lucky to have the best week here reconnecting with Niue. It is my favourite place in the world, I can honestly say that, says Sarah.
Understanding what Niue has to offer to make sure that they are sending the right type of tourists to Niue is important, says Sarah.
“I love this place, I am so proud of it. I think we are still in a reset phase where we’ve actually got to grow a lot of things here. For me it’s really important to match the right clients, the right guests who are coming to Niue with the right places and things to do.”
Sarah Porter and the Niue Tourism Director Mrs Micah Fuhiniu-Viviani will be attending a trade event to be held in Christchurch next week. They will be engaging with international travellers and agencies, where they can promote Niue.
“I think for Niue it’s about specialised travel. It takes a lot of effort and time and also a lot of money to get here because of the need to go through New Zealand.”
Sarah says that although she is based in New Zealand, there is also representation for Niue in the Australia and international markets.
“It’s a lot harder to get here from those other destinations but absolutely we are promoting it well. But we are making sure that those travellers and tourists coming here know what Niue is all about.”
As the island merges to a post-covid reset phase, Sarah is excited to be representing Niue in the tourism industry abroad.