Air NZ last Friday flight cancelled due to Auckland floods, rescheduled for this Wednesday

Unprecedented torrential rain caused major destruction in most parts of Auckland last week, which led to the flooding and subsequent shutdown of the Auckland International Airport impacting on all flights.
Passengers due to leave for Auckland on Friday last week were affected, extending their stay in Niue until Wednesday this week.
A message from Peleni’s Travel – General Sales Agent for Air New Zealand that a flight is now confirmed for all passengers disrupted by the cancellation of flight NZ937 on Friday 27 January 2023.
Air New Zealand is confirmed to arrive at 10:45 am on Wednesday this week 1st February 2023. Check in time for all passengers will commence at 7AM.
BCN News understands that a church event planned for the induction of the new pastor for the village of Lakepa had to be postponed because their new pastor and his delegation were on the cancelled flight from last week.
Over the weekend a message from the Niue Government to all passengers due to arrive from Auckland that they are still be required to re-do their pre-departure RAT test 24 hours before leaving Auckland.