Covid-19 update: 8 new cases detected yesterday, 66 current positive cases in total

Niue currently has a total number of 66 active cases of covid-19.
According to the last update on the Niue covid dashboard after 5PM yesterday afternoon 5th December, eight new cases were detected. Four of these new cases are linked to the passenger flight last Friday 2nd December.
Three of the previously active cases have been deemed recovered and released from isolation.
Since March this year, the health department has detected a total of 180 people who have tested positive for covid-19. From this total, 111 of them have been classified as recovered as they are no longer infected with covid-19.
In October this year, the government relaxed some of the pre-departure testing requirements, moving from a PCR pre-departure test 48 hours before flying to Niue to a RAT test 24 hours before the flight.
Even though the government requires the wearing of masks on the flight into Niue, BCN News understands that some passengers choose not to wear their masks during the flight, increasing the risk of infection and spreading the virus.
Health and government officials continue to remind the public to follow and maintain health and covid-19 precautionary measures. More information can be found at