Covid-19 update: Day 1 tests all negative & 1 new household case

All 93 passengers who arrived on Monday’s flight this week have completed their Day 1 testing held yesterday.
According to the latest update on the Niue Covid website yesterday evening, the passengers have all returned negative covid test results.
Only 1 new household case was identified and is currently in isolation. Bringing the total number of active cases detected at the borders to 6.
The overall number of Covid-19 cases the island has detected since the first historical case earlier in the year is currently at 26.
Health and government officials would like to strongly remind incoming passengers and returning locals to get tested on Day 1 and Day 3 prior to arriving on the island.
All passengers should have received all necessary paperwork and information regarding travels to the island and what is expected to do when arriving on the island.
99.4% of the eligible population aged 12 years and over are fully vaccinated.
93% of the eligible population aged 18 years and older have received their booster doses.
Niue remains on National Covid-19 Alert Level Yellow as there is no community transmission.
Health and government advisories continue to remind the public to maintain good personal hygiene, wash your hands regularly, practise social distance, stock up on PPE and essential resources, prepare for any alert level changes and stay up-to-date with the latest on the Niue Covid-19 website