Sergeant Tasmania recognised for his efforts to advance equality and women within the Police Force

Sergeant Albert Tasmania was nominated and was one of the finalists for an international award to recognise his efforts in advancing women’s issues in policing.
Sergeant Albert Tasmania (pic, 3rd from right) was announced as one of the few finalists from the Pacific islands for the Champions of Change Award at the Australasia Council for Women and Policing (ACWAP) Annual Awards last night.
He is a senior member of the Niue Police force having served for nearly 20 years. He was one of the first of Niue’s eight police officers who served with the Regional Assistance Mission to the Solomon Islands (RAMSI).
A press release from Niue Police informed of Sergeant Tasmania’s nomination.
“The Niue Police Department is pleased to announce that their participation in the annual Australasia Council for Women and Policing (ACWAP) Annual Awards Ceremony Wednesday the 24th of November 2021. The event took place in Brisbane Australia and the Niue Police joined the event via Zoom.
The event recognised the great work of Women in Policing in Australia, New Zealand, and the Pacific.”
This award recognises the efforts of men who promote the advancement of women and women’s issues in policing. From the many nominations, Sergeant Tasmania was one of the five finalists.
“Although Sergeant Tasmania was not the recipient of the award, we want to recognise his hard work toward advancing equality and women within the Niue Police”
The Award went to Retired Samoa Police Commissioner Egon Keil.
The recognition is also timely for the work that the Niue Police undertake as the focal point for the awareness and promotion of the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women 2021 or white ribbon day which is commemorated today.
In Niue, the Police Department take the lead in the awareness and efforts to promote the elimination of all forms of violence against women.
The Police department continues to promote awareness of domestic violence and gender-based violence (GBV). This year, the focus is on the private sector with a competition for the best display or decorated business with the theme of elimination of all forms of violence against women.
According to the statistics from the organisation United Nations Women or UN Women, more than 70 percent have experienced gender-based violence.