Tika throw wins $1,000 at the Hakupu show day

Ta tika or throwing of the tika is a popular finale event at village show days and has grown in popularity with usually more than 30 boys and men taking part. The latest competition was held at the Tuatea grounds during the Hakupu annual show day.
The show days has sustained this traditional sport on the island where the young boys learn from the best by watching their throws as they follow the ta tika show day circuit every year.
It is when the varying techniques of ta tika is observed, where the up and coming talents are noted and the consistent skill and talent of the best are talked about and assessed by the onlookers.
23 year old Lewis Mokalei of Avatele has been one of those most talked about tika champions because he has taken part in the circuit for a number of years, winning many of the village show day competitions.
The Hakupu Show day over the weekend, will no doubt be the one show day and tika competition Lewis Mokalei will not forget because it’s the one that won him a whopping $1,000 for his efforts.
In second place is an up and coming tika champion in Tauolo Chadson Siakimotu, 15 also of Avatele and he went home with an envelope of $500 cash and young Ricky Konelio, 16 of Lakepa took home his third prize of $300.
The ta tika competition at the Hakupu show day was sponsored by former Premier and long serving Ulumotu (head deacon) Hon. Young Vivian, NDSC. The three young men pictured with the happy sponsor of the prizes on the day. (PC – Jackson Hekesi)
It was definitely the highlight of the 51st show day for the village of Hakupu Fineone.
Village MP Assemblyman Richie Mautama told BCN news that despite the pandemic and the closed borders, the show day was a success because of the efforts of the people of the village and the supporting friends and families from the island. He also acknowledged the contribution of the families from New Zealand who would normally be joining in the festivities but have no doubt contributed financially through their families.
The next village show day will be at Alofi South.