Electoral Rolls are now open for Respective villages in Niue

The Electoral Rolls are available for inspection at the Department of Justice, Lands, Survey and Community Services at Fonuakula, Alofi during official hours of the Government of Niue.

The following public notices are hereby issued by the Chief Electoral Officer-Darren Tohovaka  and are made pursuant to sections 25, 26 and 27 of the Niue Assembly Act 1966 and relate to the Niue Village Council Elections 2024.

The Notice is given that the Electoral Rolls for the respective Villages of Niue are now open for inspection.

The Electoral Rolls are available for inspection at the Department of Justice, Lands, Survey and Community Services at Fonuakula, Alofi during official hours of the Government of Niue.

There is also an intention to post all Electoral Rolls at the respective Village Meeting Halls throughout Niue.

All Electoral Rolls will be closed on Tuesday 20 August 2024 at 4.00pm.

The closing of the Electoral Rolls is important because once the Roll is closed no names may be entered on or removed from the Roll, Only the person who are registered on the Electoral Rolls can vote and All objections by Voters or by the Registrars in charge of the Roll must be determined before the Roll closes.

More information is on the Government of Niue website page.

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