Annual School-Wide Careers Program begins
Every year the opportunity to be part of the schools career programme is always welcomed by the various departments as they seek to encourage the students to work in their respective fields.

Niue High School students sitting NCEA exams in 2021
Choosing a career path is not an easy decision especially if you’re still a student. The Niue High School careers programme has been running for a long time when representatives from the government departments and the private sector are invited to speak to the different classes about their work.
Every year the opportunity to be part of the schools career programme is always welcomed by the various departments as they seek to encourage the students to work in their respective fields.
The shortage of staff across the many departments of the government and in the private sector is also an incentive to speak to the students and BCN was also there.
BCN News Senior Reporter-Esther Pavihi and Camera and Producer -Valentine Lawaci spoke with Year 8 students about working in the news media industry.
Students were given scenarios and role-play as reporters. Pavihi was impressed with how some of the students responded to the questions and their performance at role play.

Representatives from other government departments like Health, Police, NDMO and the Niue Chamber of Commerce were amongst others who took part of the schools regular careers programme.