Niue’s Nationally Determined Contributions currently Updated
After consultation and feedback, the final approval of the draft document will be submitted to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change later this year.

A week-long Validation consultation for Niue’s Draft Updated Nationally Determined Contributions (NDC) was held this week with stakeholders.
Director of Climate Change and Sustainability Programme at the Pacific Community (SPC) -Coral Pasisi says Niue is going through the process of updating its Nationally Determined Contributions under the Paris Agreement, an International Treaty adopted in 2015 aimed at reducing emission of gases that contribute to global warming.

“Niue’s is currently going through its Nationally Determined Contributions or NDC’s under the Paris Agreement so climate change convention has the Paris Agreement which most people know about,” she said.
Pasisi added three important things that came out of Paris is the world agreed to stay below 2 degrees as a global target and hopefully stays at 1.5. It also agreed to some big commitments from countries to ensure that we get there, so it’s just not a target but people set goals and people actually actually measure how they get there.
Niue’s Director of Environment-Haden Talagi says this is the second report they are currently undertaking since 2015, now being reviewed focused on action, mitigation and adaptation for Niue.

“This is the reviewed and updated NDC for Niue and this will cover the period from 2020 to 2030
NDC Hub at the Pacific Community representative-Roxanne Degueuse says part of the consultation was to collect feedback from key stakeholders.

After consultation and feedback, the final approval of the draft document will be submitted to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) later this year.
The Nationally Determined Contributions or NDCs are commitments that countries make to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions as part of climate change mitigation.