Population and housing census 2022 preliminary results: population by village

BCN News continues with the analysis of the preliminary report of the government’s 2022 census released last month.
With respect to population by village, Alofi South remains the most populated village with 423 people, an increase of 10 from the 2017 census.
The village of Alofi North had the most increase of 30 people taking their population to 187 in the 2022 census.
The villages of Hakupu and Tamakautonga reported the same number of people with 180, both villages recording a decrease of 18 for Tamakautonga and 10 few people for Hakupu as compared to the 2017 census.
The village of Avatele recorded 128 people, a drop of 11 compared to 2017.
Tuapa also dropped by 3 people from 106 in 2017 to 103 in 2022.
Lakepa is one of the villages to record an increase in population from 91 in 2017 to 95 in 2022.
Vaiea recorded the highest decrease in population from 103 in 2017 to 81 in 2022.
Mutalau also recorded a decrease of 21 people from 98 in 2017 to 77 in 2022.
Liku also dropped in population from 88 in 2017 to 74 in 2022.
The village of Makefu recorded an increase of 9 people taking their population to 73 in 2022 compared to 64 in 2017.
Hikutavake dropped from 45 in 2017 to 39 in 2022.
And the village of Toi recorded the highest increase in percentage of 88 percent from 17 people recorded in 2017 increased by 15 people to 32 in 2022.
The smallest village of Namukulu recorded a slight decrease from 10 people in 2017 to 9 in 2022.
The report was presented by Government Statistician Fanuma Sioneholo, the production of the Niue census report is presented by Statistics Niue in association with SPC and Stats NZ.