Niue High School NCEA Results 2022 shows major improvement for Level 1 and drop in pass rates for Levels 2-3 compared to previous years

Education 2023 Retreat at Scenic Matavai Resort
The Niue High School NCEA Results for 2022 were released yesterday at the education retreat held at Scenic Matavai Resort.
The Principal’s Nominee for Niue High School Joyce Labitad-Nevalagi presented the results.
Despite the lower pass rate for the NCEA senior levels, Principal Charles Ioane said he is happy for the results from last year.
“Like every other year, I am proud of the results. Even though the results are a bit down this year for some levels, I take that with understanding of what went around and what happened last year at school,” said Principal Charles.
For NCEA Level 1, ninety-two percent (92%) of the students passed. This is the first time in ten years since 2012 that the pass rate had reached over 90 percent which is a major improvement.
In 2012, the pass rate was ninety-four point four percent (94.4%) of students who passed level one which is still the highest recorded pass rate for Niue High School’s NCEA level one so far.
Compared to level one, the results for NCEA Level 2 and 3 for 2022 showed a drop in pass rates. There was a ten percent (10%) drop in students who passed level two from eighty-nine percent (89%) in 2021 to seventy-nine percent (79%) in 2022.
For the NCEA Level 3, there was a fifteen percent (15%) drop in pass rate from ninety-three (93%) in 2021 to seventy-eight (78%) in 2022.
The results for students who gained their University Entrance (UE) for 2022 showed only thirty-five percent (35%) who passed. This is the first time in fourteen years since 2008 that the pass rate for University Entrance has dropped to below forty percent (40%).
In 2008, the percentage of students who attained their UE was thirty-two percent (32%).
Principal Charles told BCN News that “it was a difficult year, like I said earlier, no excuses. But we got to understand that learning is holistic, learning is lifelong. I’m sure that the students this time round that didn’t do as they expected have learned a tough lesson and that going forward they will be better for the experience.”
The Department of Education has announced that school term 1 for 2023 will begin next Monday 30th January.