Tiah’Ola Jackson wins Niue Primary School Dux Award 2022

Tiah'Ola Jackson (right) Dux of NIue Primary School 2022 with Minister of Education Hon. Tongatule, Kylie Tuineau-Vakaafi and Xyrah Fuhiniu
The girls have taken out the top three academic prizes this year at Niue Primary School revealed at the school Prize giving ceremony this morning.
Tiah’Ola Jackson from Hakupu/Alofi is the top academic student winning the Dux Award for 2022. In second place is Kylie Tuineau-Vakaafi from Makefu/Mutalau and Xyrah Fuhiniu from Alofi South is in third place.
Congratulations to the girls and especially to Tiah’Ola Jackson for winning the Dux award, and keeping the prize in the village of Hakupu.

Tiah’s family, her parents, and her siblings were all there to celebrate her success. Her father is Sergeant Romeo Ramona Jackson and her mother is the Deputy Principal of Niue High School Moira Jackson.
The Dux award for 2021 was young Troy Tatui also from Hakupu.
On Wednesday next week, we will find out who will take the top academic award the Dux prize for Niue High School when they hold their prize-giving ceremony.
Here are some pictures from the Niue Primary 2022 Prize-giving ceremony today.