No travel pass needed for NZ, meanwhile Niue commence its Friday flights

Travellers are no longer required to complete a New Zealand Traveller Declaration to enter New Zealand. New Zealand’s COVID-19 entry requirements were removed last month on the 20th of October.
Meanwhile, the requirements are still in place for Niue.
All travellers coming into the island are still required to complete a Niue Traveller Declaration Form that can be found on the official Niue covid-19 website.
Last week commenced the change to the day of flight arrival on the island to Fridays (Saturday NZT).
With the changes to the arrival days of the flight to Friday, passengers will be required to complete their Covid-19 Day 1 tests at the Niuefoou hospital on Saturday and Day 3 tests on Monday.
According to the government’s covid website all passengers from last Friday’s flight all returned negative test results on their Day 1 and Day 3 mandatory testing days. More information can found at