Covid-19 update: 8 active cases, changes to pre-departure testing

The government announced the changes to the pre-departure testing requirements for passengers travelling into Niue on the 21st of October with travel advisory number 18.
Effective on the 24th of October, passengers are no longer required to complete a PCR test 48 hours prior to flying to Niue. They are now only required to provide a negative RAT test completed 24 hours before the flight departure.
All air passengers are still required to apply for a Niue travellers pass which can be found on the official Niue Covid-19 website.
Children 3 years and younger are not required to complete the RAT test and children 16 years and younger are not required to provide proof of vaccination.
Meanwhile, two of the passengers from last Friday’s flight tested positive on their Day 1 tests held on Saturday.
According to the government’s covid-19 tracking dashboard, one of the cases was admitted to the Niue foou hospital. Several close contacts of the other positive case were advised to isolate for the next 7 days.
On Monday’s covid update this week, Niue detected four new cases of covid-19 taking the total number of positive cases to 6.
The one case in the isolation ward at the hospital was discharged. The four new cases were detected on Day 3 mandatory tests at the Niue foou hospital.
On Tuesday, one new positive case was detected, raising the total number of active cases from 6 to 7.
As of yesterday’s update, one new case of covid-19 was also detected. The total number of active cases on the island at the moment is at 8.
All positive cases are linked to the passenger flight from last Friday.
Niue has detected a total number of 93 covid-19 cases since March this year.
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