Schools shift to ‘remote learning’ for the first week of school term 3

School Term 3 began today for primary and high school staff and students. But due to the recent number of community cases and alert level changes, all learning will be done from home for this first week back to school.
According to the department of education, “schools will be through remote learning at home this first week of Term 3.”
Parents and caregivers can visit the schools and collect learning packs from the school offices.
Niue Primary School Principal Carol Edwards in a Facebook post earlier today prompted parents and caregivers who would be picking up the learning packs for their children at 12pm onwards today to follow the instructions given: wear a mask, sign-in, wait at a picnic table, and only one person allowed at a time to approach the table.
In addition, the New Zealand Defence Force for exercise Tropic Twilight on the island has gifted the school with loaves of bread for every student which can be picked up with the learning packs, says Principal Edwards.
Teachers can also send school work via email and even host some classes via Zoom for students with internet access if required.
In a statement to BCN News this morning, Director of Education Birtha Tongahai says that “Red Alert level is still new to us as we try out how things will work for the schools in the safest but convenient way for staff and students during these uncertain times.”
“As much as we try to restore normality for everyone and do what we can to assist prevention, remote learning is our best option at this stage,” says Birtha.
The Department of Education also on behalf of the Acting Premier and Minister of Education and Director General would like to “convey their deepest condolences and sympathies to the families for the loss of a long serving educator, Mrs Aefeola Manogitaumaife Utalo who served the department for over 40 years.”
“May you rest in peace and remember all the scholars you have nurtured to become leaders of Niue today.”