Community reacts to new Covid-19 cases detected amongst the first QFT flight of passengers

A fearsome thought for community transmission has caused much anxiety amongst the members of the public.
But before the first flight of QFT passengers arrived this week, the people have always felt uneasy about Quarantine Free-Travel (QFT), relaxing travel restrictions and having the borders open.
Minister of Health Hon. Sauni Tongatule’s announcement last night about the 5 new cases of Covid-19 have especially concerned many parents and the safety of their children.
Asking questions of whether or not school is closed despite the Minister announcing that work and school still remains open.
In response to the government’s announcement and the concerns of many parents, Niue High School stated on its Facebook page that the school will remain open.
- Parents can keep their children at home if they think that this is the safest measure for them.
- Wearing a mask is compulsory, especially when inside the classroom. The school also provides masks.
- Safe hygiene measures are a must and the school has been practicing this for a while.
- The school is aware that QFT has commenced and that these types of disruptions are expected to continue.
- The safety of the students and staff is always the school’s first priority.
- Visitors to the school are required to wear a mask or entry into the school is prohibited.
All educational institutions of Niue such as USP and Niue Primary School are also in effect to this urgent notice by Niue High School.
Although the Covid-19 cases and close contacts are currently self-isolating, the community are still wary and that is something to be expected as the nation continues with its Quarantine-Free Travel.
Niue remains on National Covid-19 Alert Level Yellow.