Niue High School grounds are closed until further notice as Principal warns against vaping, litter, and alcohol use

Early yesterday, Principal Charles Ioane of Niue High School issued a general notice stating that the Niue High School Sports grounds are now closed and out of use until further notice.
Principal Ioane told BCN news that “wet weather has been bad for the fields, especially in areas where cars are parked. We need to manage the grounds properly for community use when needed.”
He also added that if the weather was fine, they will open up the fields for use later on in the week. However, until then, it will remain closed and he advises the public especially “teams that utilise it for training to make alternative plans”.
Mr. Ioane also raised the school’s concerns about the excess rubbish and litter left on the grounds over the weekend.
Principal Ioane urges the public who use the school grounds especially during and after important events to “please tidy up your areas before you leave”.
He says that the school will look into banning the consumption of alcohol on the school grounds after-events on school grounds because of people’s carelessness to keep the school grounds clean and tidy.
BCN news understands that the school CCTV cameras caught a few people urinating around the school buildings and on the verandahs which prompted the Principal to send a notice reminding the public to take care when using school grounds for public events.
Vaping on school premises during events in the area was also another issue raised in his general notice.
Principal Ioane told BCN news that “vaping continues to be an issue. Students are openly vaping out in the communities with parents being aware and a few are bringing these into the school environment. We are steadfast in ensuring that vaping is not allowed at school. It is in our school rules and follows the same guidelines as smoking and alcohol consumption during school hours and at school premises.”
He also adds that vaping “is a filthy habit that has unfortunately taken hold with our young people! Let’s work together to keep our Niue healthy! Looking forward to the government introducing a law to control vaping in our community!”
Principal Ioane urges the public to “continue to cooperate and support our school”.