Power restored to Tapeu residences after hit and run this morning

Several households including the Chancery and residences of the New Zealand High and Australian Commission and Premier’s residence were without water and power this morning after a vehicle hit a power box on top of Tapeu hill.
The hit and run caused water pressure problems to Tapeu, Huihui and parts of Fonuakula but the Utilities department were quick to restore both power and water by 9.30am.
Director of Utilities of the Ministry of Infrastructure, Clinton Chapman told BCN News that they were lucky to find the right parts for the damaged power appliances otherwise the extensive damage would have caused a much longer power outage.
Pictures provided by the department show the black power box located on top of Tapeu Hill badly damaged by what looked like a vehicle ran off the road leaving tyre marks.
It is not clear if the culprit will be found but they certainly disrupted the Friday morning plans for residents of Tapeu and the top end of Alofi South. If caught they may have to pay quite a bit for damaging the power box.
Niue Power officials say that the replacement of power boxes is around $1,800.
BCN News contacted the Police but was told that the incident had not yet been reported to the Police yet.
Chief Tim Wilson told BCN News that they will investigate the hit and run, if or when it is reported.
Meanwhile, the villages of Avatele, Makefu, Lakepa and Alofi North will be leading the Takai weekend, starting today, so the Police are already in preparation mode.