Troy Tatui wins the 2021 Niue Primary School Dux Award

The Niue Primary School Dux prize for 2021 as the top academic student of the school this year was awarded to Troy Tatui from Hakupu. Troy (pic left) is the eldest son of Leroy and Patricia Tatui.
In second place is Zoe Togiavalu (pic right) from Lakepa, daughter of Filda and David Togiavalu
In third place is Suiga Kalapu from Vaiea, she is the daughter of Feso and Stephanie Kalapu.
These students are in their final year of Niue Primary and will be moving to Niue high school next year.
Families and friends gathered at the Multi-purpose hall at Paliati for the occasion last Friday for the school’s prize-giving ceremony.
Congratulations to Troy Tatui, the students, and the staff of Niue Primary for another successful year.
Unlike most schools around the world, the two schools in Niue were able to operate without disruptions due to the Covid pandemic.
This week Niue High School will hold its prize-giving ceremony.