NCEA Exams began yesterday with Level 2 Physics

Niue High School students sitting NCEA exams in 2021
Eighty-six students from Niue High School will be sitting their NCEA exams this year. The first exam started at 9.30 am yesterday Sunday 21st with the Year 12 students sitting the Level 2 Physics exam. (Photo credit, Jone Cagi NHS)
Mr Jone Cagi, NCEA Coordinator and Principal’s Nominee told BCN News that the school term ends on December 10th but the final NCEA exam will be on Monday 13th December, with the Level 1 Health exam.
He would also like to remind the students and the parents that the morning exams start at 9.30 am and the students should be at the exam venue by 9 am. The afternoon exams start at 2 pm and students should be there by 1.30 pm.
Last year’s 2020 NCEA exam results for the Niue High School students showed an impressive average measured against New Zealand national average for each of the three levels.
For Level 1 NHS students average pass rate of 72 percent against the New Zealand national average of 63.5 percent.
For Level 2, NHS students pass rate was 94 percent compared to New Zealand national average of 74.9 percent and for Level 3, Niue High School pass rate of 80 percent compared to NZ national school average of 70.1 percent.