An accident at Alofi North woke family up when vehicle crashed into their yard.

A family at the village of Alofi North were woken at about 1 am on Friday morning when a car crashed into their property at Talikifea.
The vehicle flipped and landed on its side in front of the family’s house, a mere metres from a cement water tank. The single female driver was taken to hospital and is in a stable condition.
The Police confirmed to BCN news this morning that they are still investigating the accident but can confirm that alcohol was a contributing factor.
Meanwhile, the person who was charged with assaulting his spouse last week appeared before the High Court on Thursday last week.
He pleaded guilty and was sentenced to 3 months of probation with strict orders to seek counselling as well as an alcohol ban.
The Police say that the village community and the church have also come forward to support the family through counselling.