Comparing internet data costs in Oceania: Niue ranks 18th out of 22 countries

According to which collects and reports on the cost of internet connection from 230 countries in the world, Niue is ranked 18th out of the 22 countries in the Oceania region.
The data reported is from February 2021 which looks at the countries with the cheapest cost in US dollars shows that Fiji tops the list as having the cheapest cost for 1 GB of data, followed by Australia, Samoa in third, PNG and Vanuatu making the top 5 countries with the cheapest costs, all charging less than $1USD for 1GB of data.
Tonga is ranked 10th and New Zealand is at number 11 charging an average of 1.22 USD for 1GB of data. Cook Islands is ranked 13th with $1.49 USD.
Niue at number 18 charges around $4.48 USD for 1 GB of data and at the bottom of the list is Tuvalu at number 19, Nauru at number 20 with $7.62, Coco’s Islands is ranked 20th and the Oceania country with the most expensive internet data is Tokelau with $15.54USD for 1 GB of data.
The government’s Telecom Niue Ltd is the largest internet service provider with more than 80 percent of the market and private company Kaniu is the other ISP having served Niue for nearly 30 years.
In May this year, the government launched the marine fibre cable Manatua which is delivering much faster internet speed but the cost really hasn’t changed much since then.