Niue Police issued four instant fines, in the first month, all for speeding.

In the first month since the instant fines came into effect on June 1st, the Niue Police confirmed that four people were issued fines.
Chief of Police Tim Wilson says that they issued four infringement notices, all for speeding and all in Alofi at checkpoints.
The tickets were issued to motorists for speeding, with speeds more than 58 to 65 km per hour in a 40 km zone. Speeding fines range from $75 to $300 for speeds more than 31km per hour over the speed limit.
The motorists are given 15 days to respond to the Niue Police whether they agree to pay the fine, or ask for a mitigating hearing with the judge or the third option is to challenge the infringement notice and proceed to a court hearing.