COVID update: 669 vaccinated last week and assurances over cargo ship arrival next week

The vaccination roll-out will continue tomorrow after vaccinating 669 people with the second dose of the Pfizer vaccine last week. Total vaccinated thus far with the second dose is 700, with 31 vaccinated two weeks ago.
The government also want to alleviate any concerns about the arrival of the next cargo ship Liloa 2, voyage 58 which is expected to arrive on Wednesday 14th July. BCN news is aware of some concerns because of the infection rate of Covid 19 in Fiji right now.
The Chief of Police says that the strict protocols for working the cargo ships are maintained and that there is no contact between the Niue boat workers and the ship’s crew.
The government wants to allay any concerns of the ship crew, Chief Wilson says that the crew serving this boat are the same crew who and there will be no crew change before arriving in Niue.
The ship’s crew are also required to complete covid tests before they arrive in Niue.
Acting Director of Transport Lynsey Talagi today confirmed to BCN news that all local wharf and boat workers are fully vaccinated.
The ship left Auckland heading to Nukualofa, Lautoka, Suva, Pago Pago, and Apia before arriving in Niue on Wednesday next week.