Premier Tagelagi gets the Pfizer vaccine and encourages the doubters to do the same

A total of 750 doses of the Pfizer vaccine arrived in Niue yesterday afternoon and this morning Premier Dalton Tagelagi was the first to receive the jab at the Niuefoou hospital.
Premier Tagelagi was accompanied by the Minister of Finance Crossley Tatui and the Secretary to Government Peleni Talagi who all took their first vaccine jab this morning.
Dr. Waimanu Pulu who administered the premier’s vaccine jab told BCN news that more than 600 people have registered for the vaccine since the registrations started last week.
This morning, the hospital was bustling with activity as frontliners and their families also lined up to take their first jab of the vaccine and more people turning up to register. Also seen at the hospital taking his vaccine is former Speaker of the Fono Ekepule octogenarian John Funaki NPSM.
The Premier says that he is aware of some people on the island who have said that they will not take the vaccine. He wants to assure these people that this Pfizer vaccine has a proven track record of working and he is hoping that those who are still uncomfortable with the vaccine will be convinced to take the vaccine to protect the island, especially the children who are not eligible to take the vaccine.
Premier Tagelagi’ message to those reluctant to take the vaccine that “We’re protecting everyone here in Niue. If you want to live in a happy nice small country like Niue, it’s important that you follow the advice to vaccinate and to protect yourself and those around you.”
He said that he prayed for the effectiveness of this vaccine that it will protect everyone but he is asking those who are saying that they won’t take the vaccine, not to be selfish, and to think about protecting the community.
The vaccination centre set up at the Niuefoou hospital will be open for the next four days and according to Dr. Pulu they aim is to inoculate 150 per day.
The next large consignment of the vaccine will arrive next week to complete the first phase of the vaccine rollout.