A national superannuation scheme by end of the year, says Premier Tagelagi

The government is close to securing a national superannuation scheme as announced by the Premier at the Fono Ekepule yesterday saying he hopes the scheme will be ready by the end of this year.
Premier Tagelagi told the Fono that he is pleased with the work that has gone into finding a suitable superannuation scheme for Niue which will also be available to the private sector should.
Premier Tagelagi told the Fono that after months of working on this, and consulting with some of our neighbouring countries the government is confident that a superannuation scheme for Niue will be ready hopefully by the end of this year.
In 2019, BCN news revealed that more than 100 public servants were working without superannuation cover. According to the secretariat of the public service commission at the time, the last government super scheme ended in 2015. Since then, all new recruits to the service have been working without being part of a superannuation fund.
After questions from BCN news at the time, the former government of the late Sir Toke Talagi said that they had started working on securing a new scheme and the Crown Law office was tasked to proceed with this and to look for a scheme that will cover both public servants and those in the private sector.
Last year the government Solicitor General head of the Crown Law Justin Kamupala told BCN news that they were consulting with New Zealand and seeking technical advice from the Asian Development Fund.
It’s understood that the Cook Islands government is helping secure a scheme that is suitable for Niue’s needs.