Niue’s vaping problem; NHS principal asks for community collaboration in promoting good habits.

The principal of Niue High school Charles Ioane is asking parents and the community as a whole to help the school promote good habits in students.
In his regular newsletter updates to the parents and the community, Mr. Ioane was referring to the reported incidents of students wearing school uniforms seen vaping and some vaping while waiting for the school bus.
“Vaping is not allowed at school and if caught, a student will be suspended automatically. I ask our communities and parents to be vigilant and to continue to support the school, especially in promoting good habits. It can be done but we need to work collaboratively” says Principal Ioane.
“We always try our best to monitor the students when at school and students are aware of the consequences. We need you to do the same in your communities and especially when students are in school uniform”.
In 2019 the Niue health department was recognised by the World Health organisation for its leading efforts to reduce tobacco use and recognised ‘the strongest tobacco control legislation’ when Niue parliament passed the Niue Tobacco control Act in 2018.
The Niue health department shares these concerns and they strongly believe that vaping should automatically be banned because of this tobacco control law. Public health officials say that they are consistently pushing the anti-smoking campaign and hope that the community will also do their part to stop our young people from taking up this health threatening habit.
It is unclear who is supplying the students with the vape oils or juice because in 2019 the government banned its liquor and bond store Niue Bond store from importing and selling the vapers and oils.
Customs officials say that people are importing the vapers and oils as personal effects.
BCN news is aware that there is at least one person who is supplying the locals with vaping oils/juices but is not operating officially as a business.
The Director of health Dr. Eddie Akauola is also very concerned for the students and young people vaping because he says “these kids are killing themselves” due to the chemical used in these vaping oils.
Public health officials are saying that they will continue to vigilantly campaign against smoking but they are seeing the increasing number of young people vaping which is a new challenge for them to tackle and agree that the community should all help to contain this bad habit from ruining the lives of Niue’s future generation.