Highlight decisions from Cabinet include grant funding of $1.4 million from Japan

Highlights from Cabinet’s decisions in January include the approval of the exchange of notes with the government of Japan for grant funding assistance of NZD1.4 million dollars under its Economic Social development programme.
The exchange of notes begins the process of further dialogue between the two government on how this fund will be utilised.
This offer of grant assistance follows from last year when the Japanese government donated several heavy machinery equipment to the Niue government.
Cabinet is also pleased with the improvement in the submission of all the Annual Reports from all of the departments and State-owned enterprises for the 2019/2020 fiscal year.
In January, Cabinet also endorsed the progress report for the second half of 2020 for Niue’s Green Climate Fund Readiness and Preparatory support programme.
According to the media release “Niue’s first Readiness and Preparatory support programme 2018-2021 has been progressing steadily over the past six months and has been instrumental in establishing the platforms required for the NDA office to access climate finance through the Green Climate Fund.”
Last year Niue received USD7.2 million from the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) and is being utilised for a programme on Enhancing Climate Information and Knowledge Services for Resilience and is being managed by the Niue Meteorological office and the Project Management and Coordination Unit.
The highlights from Cabinet was revealed through a media release from the Office of the Secretary to government.