Director of Niue’s USP campus awaits renewal of contract

The Director of Niue’s USP campus Seone Lolesio is awaiting word on the renewal of his contract.
Lolesio took up the post of Director of USP Niue campus on a 12 months appointment.
Reflecting on his 12 months, Lolesio says the highlights have been the increase in enrollment at the campus and increase in awareness about what USP has to offer.
He says it has been a personal challenge making the transition from the classroom to management. Lolesio is a former lecturer in economics.
Lack of facilities and labour shortage have also been a challenge with only two full time staff and a part time staff at the campus. He says he hopes its an issue the USP management at Laucala campus can look into.
Lolesio has also overseen the introduction of new courses which are taught face to face at the campus including the certificate in Vagahau Niue, Certificate 4 in accounting, Postgrad diploma in Pacific studies and the Masters in Business Administration programme.
If his contract is renewed, Lolesio aims to work on making the campus an examplifier of higher education in line with USP’s 2019 – 2024 strategic plan for regional campuses.
Story by Sofaia Koroitanoa