Population and housing census 2022 preliminary results: population by age groups

We complete our coverage on the analysis of the preliminary report of the Population and Household Census 2022 with a look at the population by age groups.
The group with the highest number of population are those under the age of 15, with 26.3 percent.
Those in the age group of 10-14 years old represented the highest with just over 10% of the entire population.
Coupled with the high post retirement group of those 60 years and over at 22.3 percent, this makes Niue’s dependency ratio the highest in the Pacific with 94 dependents for every 100 people of working age.
According to the report from Statistics Niue, a dependency ratio of 94 is very high in comparison to other Pacific nations such as the Cook Islands with 72 dependents per 100 working people and in Samoa it’s 79 dependents per 100 people in the working age groups.
Although the report does note that there are differences in the calculation of the dependency ratio with Niue reporting the working age from 15-60 because the retirement age in Niue is 60 but in Samoa the retirement age is 64.