C-130 Hercules with the NZ Medical assistance team and new generator landed

A medical assistance team and supplies from New Zealand were transported to Niue by the NZ Defence Force C-130 Hercules which landed at 2.30pm this afternoon at Hanan International airport.
New Zealand High Commissioner to Niue H.E Helen Tunnah was at the airport to meet the teams.
In a government press release yesterday, NZ Foreign Minister Mahuta Nanaia and Defence Minister Peeni Henare announced that a medical team and supplies are provided to help it respond to new cases of COVID-19, following the opening of the island’s border to quarantine-free travel last week.
Minister Nanaia Mahuta says that “In line with NZ’s shared planning for a response, a public health physician from the Polynesian Health Corridors programme and a laboratory technician from Pacific Pathology Training Centre will also be part of the medical team.
The team include two doctors, three nurses/practitioners, a lab technician and logistics personnel.
A team of five New Zealand Defence Force personnel also arrived to provide medical planning and logistics expertise to directly support Niue government Covid 19 response.
“Personal protective equipment (PPE) and additional rapid antigen tests are also being supplied to supplement Niue’s existing stores,” Minister Peeni Henare said.
Premier Dalton Tagelagi told BCN News that the government of Niue is very grateful for the assistance provided by the New Zealand government and the hard work of the staff of the NZ High Commission to facilitate the arrival of the Hercules bringing the teams and the cargo today.
The Hercules was also carrying a generator needed to address the recent island-wide power outage that affected the island for several days last week.
Premier Dalton Tagelagi who was cleared this morning after seven days in home isolation will be leaving on the Hercules this afternoon and meeting up with his team that departed the island yesterday.
He said that it was very important that he complete the seven days of isolation saying ‘there is no exception’.
He told BCN News that their daughters live in separate units on the property which meant that he, his wife Tanya and their son who live in the main house tested negative since they started isolation seven days ago.
Premier Tagelagi is expected to attend several key meetings including a visit to Wellington to meet with Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern. He will also be attending the Forum Leaders meeting in Fiji.