Parliamentary oversight reinstated in the amendments to the Philatelic and Numismatic law

The Fono Ekepule unanimously voted to reinstate parliamentary oversight into the budget and appropriations of the Niue Philatelic and Numismatic Corporation.
The Philatelic and Numismatic Amendment Bill 2021 was tabled under a certificate of urgency at the sitting of the Fono Ekepule last week.
The Bill was passed unanimously by the Fono in its first, second and third readings. The passing of the Numismatic and Philatelic Amendment Bill 2021 allows for the tabling of the State Owned Enterprises (SOE”s) budget before the Niue Assembly, reinstating parliamentary oversight of the SOE which was repealed in 2011.
In 2011 the Assembly repealed its powers to discuss and approve the budget appropriations of the State-owned Enterprise.
Common Roll member O’love Jacobsen since her return to the Fono Ekepule in 2017 had been fighting to reinstate this but she was missing at the meeting. Jacobsen and Richard Hipa were both in quarantine having returned from medical appointments in New Zealand and were unable to attend the meeting.
The NPNC Amendment Bill also includes the increase of the members of the Board from three to four members. The new Board of Directors of the Philatelic and Numismatic now include the Premier, the Minister of Finance, the government’s Secretary of Finance, and the Government Solicitor.
It is understood that this is the first government Board to have two Cabinet ministers as members.