Budget allocations for Social services departments

The Ministry of Social Services which includes the Education, Health, Justice and Community Affairs and Taoga Niue has a total budget $11, 566, 960.
This is an increase from the last financial year actuals of $1,117,831.
Justice and Community Affairs receives the highest of $5,288,860 an increase of $887,000.
Education receives the second highest of $3,179,600 an increase of just over $200,000.
Health department $2,755,000
Taoga Niue receives less than half a million dollars at $343,500
The largest increase of over $800,000 for the Ministry of Social Services budget is allocated primarily to the Justice and Community Affairs department which manages the Social Welfare and Benefits such as the pensions.
The implementation of the large chunk of funding of $4.3 million for community affairs which is responsible for governments subsidy and welfare benefits is the responsibility of only two staff members whose combined salaries amount to $59,000.