New streetlights, footpaths and sealed roads included in Road rehabilitation project

The central part of the island and village roads will undergo a facelift with the Niue Road rehabilitation project set to be undertaken by the China Railway Group.
The design plan will include 134 new streetlights, 46.1 kilometers slurry sealed road, around 2 kilometers of safety barriers, 2.7 kilometres of new footpaths from Alofi to Airport, 92 new safety designs, village traffic calming using speed bumps and lane narrowing.
PMCU confirmed to BCN NewsChina Railway First Group have been allocated land at Kaimiti for accommodation, project office and recreation areas.
Civils and Quarry are preparing aggregate for roads
Civils and Quarry have prepared machinery compound at Amanau which has the first road building machines parked and waiting.
The China Railway First group design team is continuing in Niue with the final detailed design delivered on the 21st of September
Road building machinery first shipment arrived July 2019, second shipment due in October.