US Government looks into partnering with Niue

The US Government is looking at areas of cooperation with Niue.
Two Officials from the US Consulate in Auckland, Political – Economic Officer Ted Danowitz and Public Affairs Officer Natalie Wilkins are currently on the island as part of the US Government’s Pacific outreach.
Wilkins said the US has engaged with the Pacific for over 70 years working with allies across the region to support prosperity, security and transparency.
The two have been meeting with various stakeholders from government and the private sector to understand more about Niue and possible areas to assist in.
“ From the people we’ve spoken to just in the short time we’ve been here
so far , people seem very excited about the new manatua cable that’s coming
online and looking at the opportunities that can help to bring to Niue in terms
of economic growth or improving education , health care that sort of thing. So
we’ve just offered that if there’s anything that the United States can do in
terms of technology expertise or cyber security expertise or things like that
we can help to support , we’re happy to try and work on those sorts of things.”
said Natalie Wilkins –
Public Affairs Officer
“We would love to ensure that all of our partners in the Pacific have great capacity in every way that they have a mixed economy that they’re strong in many ways and we’re happy to help how we can.” said Ted Danowitz- Political – Economic Officer
The two were also asked about China’s growing influence and whether it was a factor to the US Consulate stepping up engagement with its Pacific allies.
“I don’t think exactly that, no. I mean China in terms of , if you look at the US Indo strategic strategy it doesn’t exclude China at all , it just welcomes any country who are willing to participate in a free and transparent and open Indo- Pacific so anyone who plays by international standards is welcome into multi lateral vision for the Pacific.” said Danowitz
The US Consulate in Auckland also engages with Cook Islands and Samoa.
“We’re just really excited to be in Niue, my office in particular has a number of opportunities for the people in the United States and people in Niue to come together and so I’ve been out talking to people about some of those programs. One of the programs I’m especially excited about is the young Pacific island leaders program which is a leadership development program for people ages 25 to 35. It’s all across the Pacific islands from Hawaii and Micronesia through Melanesia and Polynesia where we bring young people together to talk about the regional concerns that they have so I’m excited to be out here meeting young people and talk to people about that programme and see if we can get some more people involved in that programme in particular.” said Wilkins
The two officials leave the island this Friday.