Population and housing census 2022: first preliminary results released

The Niue Statistics Office has released the preliminary results for the National Population and Housing census 2022.
According to the Niue statistical release issued on 30 August last month, this is the 11th national population and household census since 1971. It is one of the most important activities undertaken by the Niue Statistics Office that takes place every five years.
This census was conducted on Friday 11 November 2022 last year.
Niue Statistics Office says that on census night there were a total of 1,681 people counted in Niue, made up of 1,564 people identified as usual residents and 117 identified as visitors to Niue.
This constitutes a decrease in the total population by 2.2% (38 people) compared to the last census in 2017 with a total population of 1,719 people.
The preliminary results also showed that the females outnumbered the males with a total of 854 females and 827 males recorded.
In terms of population increase by village, the census showed Toi with the largest population increase of 88.2 % which is equivalent to an increase of 15 people from 17 in 2017 to 32 in 2022.
The next population increases are the village of Alofi North of 19.1% of 30 people and Makefu of 14.1% of 9 people.
In terms of population decrease by village, the census showed the villages of Mutalau and Vaiea with the highest population decrease of 21.4% as compared in 2017.
By age, the single largest age group is in the 10-14 years old band with 170 people which is 10.1% of the total population.
A total of 525 occupied dwellings participated in the census with the average household size of 3.2 persons.
In total, of the 1,015 dwellings included, there were 85 absent households, 207 vacant households, 217 derelict buildings and 19 houses under construction.
Acting Premier and Minister of Finance Crossley Tatui said, “the census is crucial in assisting the government understand the population structure for evidence-based decision making. It helps determine who we are as a country and how we can shape our policies for the distribution of the limited resources available to us.”
Minister Tatui said “there is an enormous challenge before us to realise the population level and take appropriate steps to address the long-term implications on our identity and cultural heritage.”