Vaiea champions Open Mens & Womens Futsal Tournament 2023 third year in a row

A total of thirteen teams battled out in the Open Mens and Womens Futsal Tournament which took place last Saturday at Paliati, Niue High School grounds.
There was a vast display of developing skills and talent in the sport of soccer seen amongst the players of the day. However, the overall top skilled and talented players of the day who have also claimed champions three years in a row for both and mens and womens went to Vaiea.
For the mens, there were a total of eight teams who entered including Alofi 1, Alofi 2, Avatele, Lakepa, Tuapa, Hakupu, Vaiea and a Niue High School team.
For the womens, there were a total of five teams including Alofi, Hakupu, Lakepa, Tuapa and Vaiea.
Taking the overall championship title for the tournament for both the Mens and Womens was Vaiea.
For the mens, first place went to Vaiea, second place to Alofi 1, third place went to Alofi 2 and coming in fourth was Avatele.
In the womens pool, first place went to Vaiea, second to Alofi, third place to Tuapa and fourth placing to Hakupu.
According to the Niue Football Association, “the tournament went well, thanks to the subcommittee and all teams management, coaches for their cooperation. Very happy with the outcome, especially with the number of teams that participated.”
There were no major incidents on the day. There was evident improvement amongst the players especially from the younger generation.
The tournament was proudly sponsored by the Government of Niue, PMCU, Lilo’s Restaurant, Niue High School and Niue Rugby League.
A Special General Meeting will be taking place next week with date and time to be confirmed.
Also next on the Niue Football Association Calendar is the 11-aside soccer tournament between the North and South to take place in November this year.