Public Service Commission caution public servants on the misuse of Government vehicles

Office of the Public Service Commission. Heads of Government Agencies put on notice over the misuse of Government vehicles
Heads of Government Departments and Agencies were this morning put on notice by the Public Service Commission over the misuse of Government vehicles.
In an email the Chairperson of the Public Service Commission Ida Talagi-Hekesi said that “GON vehicles are exclusively for official Government activities and should never be used for personal purposes. Government vehicles are not to be used or driven by family members. Unless you are an officer on call ALL work vehicles are to remain at work.”
The Public Service Commission notice said that “Due to an increase in Government Vehicle incidents, the Niue Public Service will be enforcing disciplinary action.”
This notice comes after an incident a few weeks ago involving a government vehicle that burst into flames in central Alofi.
Directors of Departments and Agencies are to ensure that all government employees under their responsibilities are aware of this notice that government vehicles must remain at work, unless they are on an official call out.
Over the past few years, BCN News has requested information from Customs and Niue Police on the total number of vehicles either procured by the government or donated to Government departments, but as yet that information remains elusive.
Commissioner Talagi-Hekesi called on heads of departments to ensure they work together to look after the Government assets that are costly to Niue.
BCN News understands that most of the Government vehicles do not have identifiable labels to indicate it as the property of the Government of Niue. Some vehicles have some form of identification on the registration plate but most of the vehicles could easily be mistaken as public servants personal vehicles especially when seen around after working hours.