Fono Ekepule on ‘unrealistic’ motions at the sitting last Wednesday

Acting Premier and Minister of Health Hon. Sauni Tongatule, in the Fono Ekepule sitting last Wednesday, expressed his thoughts of gratitude for the collective efforts of the health and government departments and the people for keeping Niue protected from the spread of Covid-19 in the community.
In his statement, Acting Premier Tongatule announced to the assembly that NZ’s Minister of Foreign Affairs Hon. Nanaia Mahuta and her delegation will be visiting the island this week.
Hon. Tongatule also added that Japan’s ambassador will also be arriving on the island today.
Amongst the various questions and responses exchanged between the members of the Fono Ekepule, two motions were called forward by Common Roll Member Hon. Terry Coe.
The first motion called for a policy that required all passenger motor vehicles to Niue to have a warrant of fitness issued by a NZ government testing facility that is valid no less than five months.
The motion lost to eight against and five in favour. Those who were against spoke of how unrealistic the policy would impact the people, stating it would only add more unneccessary fuel to the fire.
The five members of parliament that were in favour of the motion included Member from Toi Dion Taufitu, Common Roll Member Hon. Terry Coe, Alofi North’s Member Hon. Va’aiga Tukuitoga, Hakupu Member Ritchie Mautama and Hikutavake member Opili Talafasi.
There were eight members of parliament who were against the motion including Tamakautoga member Ricky Makani, Avatele’s member Pita Vakanofiti, member from Makefu Tofua Puletama, Minister hon. Mona Ainu’u, Acting Premier Hon. Sauni Tongatule, member from Lakepa John Tiakia, Mutalau member Makaseau Ioane, and Common Roll member Hon. Stanley Kalauni.
The second motion called for a more secure approach to ensure that the spread of covid-19 is contained and does not spread.
All members of parliament were in favour and therefore the motion was passed.
In the meeting’s conclusion, Speaker Hon. Hima Takelesi informed the fono ekepule that the Premier Hon. Dalton Tagelagi will be returning back to the island today.
A special session of the Niue Legislative Assembly will take place tomorrow morning addressed by New Zealand’s Minister of Foreign Affairs Hon. Nanaia Mahuta.