A momentous occasion for the National Council of Women as the first to host the Queen’s baton

Although it was previously reported that the Premier and Cabinet ministers would be the first to officially welcome the Queen’s Baton early this morning, a slight change in the program has resulted in Niue’s National Council of Women being the first group to welcome the Queen’s Baton earlier this afternoon.
The welcoming event was held at the Makini Hall in Alofi at 1PM earlier today and was escorted and delivered by NISCGA President Maru Talagi and his wife.
The baton was warmly welcomed by the national council of women through praise and singing, and was received by Minister of Sports Sauni Tongatule and the Vice-President of the National Council of Women Mokaline Makaia.
Mrs. Makaia led the council of women into the hall and placed the baton at the centre of the display table.
The event proceeded with speeches given by some of the council of women, the committee, and the Minister of Sports Sauni Tongatule. The women also had a turn to hold the baton as they sang joyfully in its embrace.
The ladies of the National Council of Women all dressed beautifully with their similarly-designed blue dresses, floral headpieces and necklaces.
The hall was also decorated with colourful handmade sheets and a display table of cultural Niue handcrafts where the baton was placed.
A momentous occasion for Niue and the National Council of Women.
The Queen’s baton will be delivered to the Premier and Cabinet at their new Chambers at Fale Fono 2 tomorrow morning at 8.30am for a brief visit followed by a special program from Niue Primary School at 9am to Utuko Reef in Alofi.
BCN will provide daily coverage of the Queen’s Baton program in Niue.