Salaries & Allowances of Niue MPs revealed

Personnel costs of the Central Agencies account for the highest personnel or salary costs in the total budget of $4,875,000, an increase of $343,849 from what was spent on personnel salaries from the last financial year.
Based on budget documents for 2020-2021 obtained by BCN News, the Project Management Coordination Unit has been appropriated the highest increase of just over $100,000 with the Niue Police personnel costs increased by $89,000.
Of all the Central Agencies and for the whole of government budget the Cabinet and Parliamentary Services has the highest personnel costs of over $1.4 million. This accounts for salaries of Cabinet Ministers and the Members of Assembly.
As of the last amendments to the Civil List in December 2019 which prescribes the salaries and benefits of the Legislators. All members of the Fono Ekepule earn an annual salary, an annual allowance which is to defray the costs incurred in relation to the official duties and representation at official functions. They also all receive a clothing allowance every three years.
The Premier earns $80,785.00 per year with a $10,000 annual allowance and $5,000 clothing allowance every three years.
Ministers earn $56,789 per year with $8,000 annual allowance and $4,000 clothing allowance every 3 years
Members Assisting Ministers known as MAM $45,095 per year with $6,000 annual allowance and $4,000 clothing allowance every three years
Members of Assembly $31,959 per year with $4,000 annual allowance and further $4,000 clothing allowance
Speaker $36,511 per year with an annual allowance of $6,000 and $4,000 every three years.
There are additional allowances for overseas entertainment, travel allowances, select committee allowances, temporary ministers’ allowances, and Acting Premier allowances.
The civil list was amended in 2011, 2016, 2017 and in 2019.
The significant changes were reflected in the 2016 civil list with the introduction of additional allowances. There have been no changes since to these allowances.
The only in amendments made in 2019 were to the base salaries.