Premier to deliver an address on the government’s plans for the next 3 years

The next sitting of the Niue Legislative Assembly is scheduled for this Wednesday 24th June which will mark the real beginning of the work of the Assembly.
There are two important events to come before the House.
The island will hear for the first time an address by the newly elected Premier on his government’s plans for the next three years. Having appointed a Cabinet of unity, there will be much interest in the Premier’s address.
For the members who are entering the Assembly for the first time, the Speaker has allocated a time for them to deliver their maiden speech.
This will be an opportunity for them to tell the nation their reason for entering the political arena.
New members are Ekepule Richard Hipa, Ekepule Makaseau Ioane, Ekepule Muiakitama Makani, Ekepule Ritchie Mautama, Ikipule Sauni Tongatule, Ekepule Pita Vakanofiti.
Speaker Hima Douglas said that the two events are important because in the absence of a Speech from the Throne, the Assembly still needs to find an avenue for the Premier to deliver his first address and for the new members to deliver their maiden speech, following the general election.
“This event occurs once every three years at the beginning of the new Assembly’s life as it were. So it’s important for the country to hear from the Premier on his government’s intentions. I think it is also important to give the new members an opportunity to tell the people why they chose to be in the Assembly”. said Douglas
The full proceedings of the Assembly will be carried LIVE on national radio, Wednesday 24th starting at 9 am.