Sir Toke Talagi keeps a low profile election campaign

While most election candidates are increasing their visibility in public, the Premier Sir Toke Talagi has not been attending any public forums.
Sir Toke Talagi who is one of the Common Roll candidates has not been attending any of the public Q and A forums that have been held recently.
The only public forum which he used to campaign was at the launch of his biography ‘Niue rising’ on December 4th, 2019 at the Fale fono foyer where he told those attending “2020 when you think about it, tick my name on the ballot box.”
In the last sitting of the Fono Ekepule last month, Sir Toke had publicly confirmed that he is contesting this month’s general election despite concerns by Members of Parliament over his health condition.
Only posters of Sir Toke Talagi outlining his political commitments and what he has achieved during his leadership as Premier of Niue have been circulated on social media and distributed by his supporters to villages on the island.
If elected back into Parliament, Sir Toke Talagi states his plans for the next 3 years is to renovate the Niue Foou Hospital and equip it to a New Zealand standard, a new Justice building, reseal the Hanan international airport runway, reseal the roads around the island and increase pensions.
The poster states, he also aims to renovate the Broadcasting Corporation of Niue after the fire damage, renovate and refurbish the Public Works Department, Department of Agriculture Forestry and Fisheries building, and repairs to the Namukulu and Avetele ramps.
“I have dedicated my life to Niue and am 100 percent committed to finishing what I have started and my plans for the next 3 years. “he stated.