Niue’s Health department works with NZ Health Ministry and WHO to improve preparedness efforts for COVID19

To date, there are no suspected or confirmed cases of COVID-19 in Niue.
However, the first confirmed case of COVID 19 in the Pacific has been recorded in French Polynesia.
For Niue’s Preparedness Activities, the Health department currently has Menime Tauvasa Lene, from the World Health Organisation and Dr Tom Kiedryzynski and Dr Laupepa Va’a from the NZ Ministry of Health, working with Niue’s health department to improve preparedness efforts.
Community outreach programs by the health department are ongoing aimed at sharing information about the COVID-19 and to educate as many people on preventative measures.
The health department states they are providing opportunities for community members to ask questions and are therefore encouraged to participate.
Village consultations have been held in Alofi South and Tamakautoga. Additional sessions will be held in Liku, Tuapa and Avatele this week followed by other villages in the coming weeks.
Specific stakeholder consultations have already been carried out such as with the two schools; teachers and students. Other stakeholder consultations are planned to be carried out.
This morning the health department officials met with members of the
Business community including accommodation providers to discuss the impact that COVID-19 may have on their businesses/services.
The Health department has carried out 2 point of entry/border control simulations in the past week, involving all staff who regularly work at the airport.