Youths encouraged to organize Youth Parliament

Premier Sir Toke Talagi believes youths need to take the initiative in relation to organizing a Youth Parliament.
Suggestions have been made for the setting up of a Youth Parliament as part of supporting youths participation in politics.
Opposition MP Terry Coe had suggested also calling on youths to contest the 2020 General elections.
“We’ll it’s up to the youths really. We took the initiative in the beginning and we left them up to them to follow through and use the opportunity to train themselves. We will assist but they’ve got to take the initiative to do it themselves. One other thing I find is that the fact that they don’t take the initiative, they wait for us to move forward. If we want to have a youth parliament, you’ve got to learn how to set it up and how to conduct the meetings when the time comes by observation of what we do and so on and also the other thing that i’d like them to do is take part in debates because that’s an important part of what Parliament does is debating. I’m not talking about some of the nonsense that goes on but its debating for point to try and thrash out something, whatever it is and determine what solutions will be offered as we have done.” said Talagi
BCN News is seeking comments from the Youth Council and they are yet to respond.