Department of Agriculture Forestry and Fisheries concerned over breach of bio-security regulations by tourist

Concerns have been expressed by the Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries in regards to the breach of bio-security regulations after reports of a tourist from a visiting yacht posted a YouTube video, releasing a Caribbean hermit onto the island.
The department told BCN news that they are now working with New Zealand’s Ministry of Primary Industries bio-security department to investigate this matter further.
It is understood that a man had posted a You tube video of himself and his family’s trip to Niue, the video has since been taken down and the yacht has since been sold.
The family had traveled with a dog on board as well a hermit crab they had taken from one of the Caribbean islands. The video also included the dog being released onto the island and playing on the reef.
The man in the video mentioned that he was told by Bio-security Niue not to bring the dog onto the island, but his video shows his deliberate disregard of Niue’s bio-security regulations.
The Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries told BCN news that they will continue to work with MPI NZ in investigating this matter. They also intend to meet with the Niue Yacht Club and work to improve public awareness of Niue bio-security rules for visiting yachts.